深圳市亿创微芯电子有限公司凭借旗下三块产品:LDO产品、锂电池充电芯片、升压芯片,在同行业占据了主要的市场份额,与国内众多的厂商、方案商、行业IC代1理商均有合作。客户遍布中国,为消费者提供安1全、、稳定、具性价比的芯片。亿创微芯已成已成为手机、MP4、MID、数码相机、蓝牙WIFI、LCD显示模组、LED、太阳能、便携电源、充电器、开关电源等产品中芯片采购厂家。 亿创微芯产品:DC/DC升压芯片、同步整流升压芯片、同步整流降压芯片、LDO稳压芯片、锂电池充电芯片、锂电池保护芯片、恒流芯片、LED驱动芯片、电压检测芯片、AC-DC转换原边控制芯片、AC-DC转换复边控制芯片、AC-DC转换配套芯片、高压MOSFET、低压MOSFET等电源管理芯片等。工艺技术的模拟及数模混合集成电路,相关产品广泛应用于信息家电、数码电子、汽车电子、光伏产业、无线通信、数字通讯和网络技术等域。亿创微芯不断的提供高性价比的产品,的销售队伍、有力的技术支持,的生产供应管理体系,提供令客户满意的产品 亿创微芯秉持著以经营为中心,以市场为导向,以开发为基础,以品质为生命,以管理为保障的经营理念,以稳健踏实的脚步追求企业持续改善、以“技术,质量,服务”为经营宗旨,以“成为高水平的半导体芯片供应商”为目标。 KF8150 series are a highly precise, lower consumption, 3 terminal, positive voltage regulators manufactured using CMOS and laser trimming technologies. The series provides large currents with a significantly small dropout voltage. The KF8150 consists of a current limiter circuit, a driver transistor, a precision reference voltage and an error correction circuit.The series is compatible with low ESR ceramic capacitors. The current limiter's fold back circuit operates as a short circuit protection as well as the output current limiter for the output pin. Output voltages are intemally by laser trimming technologies. It is selectable in 0.1V increments within a range of 1.2V to 5.0V. KF8150 series are available in SOT-23 and SOT-89 packages.
◎Low power consumption
◎Low voltage drop
◎Low temperature cofflcient
◎Low Quiescent Current: 1.5uA at 6V
◎Output voltage accuracy: tolerance士2%
◎Battery-powered equipment
◎Reference voltage sources
◎Cameras,video cameras
◎Portable AV systems
◎Mobile phones
◎Portable games
LDO线性稳压低压IC LDO线性稳压低压IC