KF8168 series of linear voltage linear regulator, the use of bipolar CMOS process technology developed low quiescent current (90uA), low dropout voltage, high output voltage accuracy characteristics. Space-ficient SOT223, TO252 package is attractive "pocket" and "handheld" applications. Output voltages are set at the factory and trimmed to 1.5%accuracy. Voltages from 3.3V to 5.0V are available. These rugged devices have both Thermal Shutdown, and Current Foldback to prevent device failure under the“Worst" of operating conditions.
Very Low Dropout Voltage,<400mV when 0.8A
Low Current Consumption: Typ. 90uA
High Accuracy Output Voltage: +/- 1.5%
Guaranteed 0.8A (if Vin-Vout<1700mV in SOT223)
Output up to 0.3A if down 12V to +5V in SOT223
Output up to 0.5A if down 12V to +5V in TO252
Compact Package: SOT-223 and TO252
Factory Pre-set Output Voltages
Short Circuit Current Fold-Back
Low Temperature Coefficient
Battery-powered devices
Personal communication devices
Home electric/electronic appliances
PC peripherals ,hard-disk
深圳市亿创微芯电子有限公司代理销售国内外多个品牌的集成电路芯片。公司与国内众多的厂商、方案 商、行业IC代理商均有合作,凭借旗下三大块产品:LDO产品、锂电池充电芯片、升压芯片,在同行业占 据了主要的市场份额。客户遍布中国,为消费者提供安全、高效、稳定、性价比好的芯片,使我们的宗 旨。亿创微芯已成为手机、MP4、MID、数码相机、蓝牙WIFI、LCD显示模组、LED、太阳能、便携电源、 充电器、开关电源等产品中芯片采购厂家。
DC/DC升压芯片、同步整流升压芯片、同步整流降压芯片、LDO稳压芯片、锂电池充电芯片、锂电池保护 芯片、恒流芯片、LED驱动芯片、电压检测芯片、AC-DC转换原边控制芯片、AC-DC转换复边控制芯片、 AC-DC转换配套芯片、高压MOSFET、低压MOSFET等电源管理芯片等,这些产品广泛应用于信息家电、数码 电子、汽车电子、光伏产业、无线通信、数字通讯和网络技术等域。公司卓越的销售队伍、强有力的技 术支持,先进的生产供应管理体系,不断提供性价比好的产品,让客户满意。