The KF70XXM series devices are a set of three terminal low power voltage detectors implemented in CMOS technology. Each voltage detector in the series detects a particular fixed voltage ranging from 0.9V to 5.0V. The voltage detectors consist of a high-precision and low power consumption standard voltage source as well as a comparator, hysteresis circuit, and an output driver (CMOS inverter or NMOS open drain). CMOS technology ensures low power consumption.
Although designed primarily as fixed voltage components to detect user specifled threshold voltages.
Low power consumption
Low temperature coefficient
Built-in hysteresis characteristic
High input voltage (up to 10V)
Output voltage accuracy: tolerance士1% or土2%
TO-92, SOT-89-3, SOT-23 -3 and SOT-23-5package
Battery checkers
Level selectors
Power failure detectors
Microcomputer reset
Battery memory backup
Non-volatile RAM signal storage protectors
深圳市亿创微芯电子有限公司 地址:广东 深圳市宝安区 民治街道东边商务大厦701-702室
供应PFM工作模式的升压IC 供应PWM工作模式的升压IC 供应输入电压0.8V-5V的升压IC 供应输入电压1V-5V的升压IC 供应输入电压1V-20V的升压IC 供应输出电压2.2/2.7/2.8/3.0/3.3/3.6/4.0/5.0/可调型的升压IC 供应可代替BL8530 XC6385 RT9261的升压IC 供应可替代HT77系列 S-8351的升压IC 供应可替代LTC3429 LTC3400的升压IC 供应输出400MA的升压IC 供应输出1A的升压IC
电压检测IC 电压检测IC