The ME6207 Series is a positive voltage regulator with a low dropout voltage,high output voltage accuracy,and low crrent consumption developed based on CMOS technology.
A bilt-in low on-resistance transistor provides a low dropout voltage and large output current, a built-in overcurrent protector prevents the load current from
exceeding the current capacitance of the output transistor. An ON/OFF circuit ensures a long battery life. Compared with the voltage regulators using the conventional CMOS process, a larger variety of capacitors are available, including small ceramic capacitors.
Maximum Output Current: 800 mA (VIN≥Vout(T)+1.0V)
Dropout Voltage: 100mV@ lour =300mA,Vour=5.0V
Operating Voltage Range: 2V~6.5V
Highly Accuracy: +1%
Low Current Consumption:
During Operation: 82uA (TYP.)
During Shutdown:0.1uA (TYP.)
High Ripple Rejection: 65dB@1KHz (ME6207C50)
Line Regulation: 0.05% (TYP.)
Typical Application
Power supply for DVD and CD-ROM drives
Power supply for personal communication device
Power supply for battery-powered devices
Power supply for note PCs
封装:SOT89-3 SOT89-5 SOT23-5 TO252-5
深圳市亿创微芯电子有限公司 地址:广东 深圳市宝安区 民治街道东边商务大厦701-702室