ME6215 series are highly precise, low power consumption, high voltage, positive voltage regulators manufactured using CMOS and laser trimming technologies .The series provides large currents with a significantly small dropout voltage.
The current limiter's foldback circuit also operates as a short protect for the output current limiter and the output pin. The CE function allows the output of
regulator to be tumed off, resulting in greatly reduced power consumption. The ME6215 series can operate with up to 18V input.
Highly Accurate: +2%
Output voltage range: 1 .5V~5.0V
Low power consumption: 6uA(TYP.)
Large output current: 300mA (VN= 3.8V,Vout= 2.8V)
Input voltage: up to 18V
Dropout voltage: 0.16V at 100mA and 0.32V at 200mA
CE Pin Function : Active High
Short-circuit Current: 25mA(TYP.)
Excellent Input Stability
Be available to regulator and reference voltage
Typical Application
Battery powered equipment
Communication tools
Mobile phones
Portable games
Portable AV systems
Cameras, Video systems
Reference voltage sources
深圳市亿创微芯电子有限公司 地址:广东 深圳市宝安区 民治街道东边商务大厦701-702室
供应PFM工作模式的升压IC 供应PWM工作模式的升压IC 供应输入电压0.8V-5V的升压IC 供应输入电压1V-5V的升压IC 供应输入电压1V-20V的升压IC 供应输出电压2.2/2.7/2.8/3.0/3.3/3.6/4.0/5.0/可调型的升压IC 供应可代替BL8530 XC6385 RT9261的升压IC 供应可替代HT77系列 S-8351的升压IC 供应可替代LTC3429 LTC3400的升压IC 供应输出400MA的升压IC 供应输出1A的升压IC