The YP6603 series are highly precise,low power consumption voltage detectors, manufactured using CMOS and laser trimming technologies. Detec voltage extremely accurate with mimimal temperature drift.Both CMOS and N-channel open drain output configuratios are available.
Highly accurate:士2%
Low power consumption :TYP0.7uA[ VIN=1.5V ]
Detect voltage range : l.6V~6.0V in 0.1V increments
Operating voltafe rangr :0.7V~ 10.0V
Detect voltage temperature characteristics :TYP土100ppm/°C
Output configuration :N-channel open drain or CMOS
Ultra small package :SSOT-24 (150mW) super mini-mold
:SOT-23 (15mW) mini-mold
:SOT- 89(500mW) mini-power mold
Microprocessor reset circuitry
Memory battery back-up circuits
Powe-on reset circuits
Power failure detection
System battery life and charge voltage monitors
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